127 research outputs found

    An evolutive computation solution for the TSP: possible application to organizations

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    This Thesis researches a possible improvement in the performance of the solution of certain NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems . Examples of these are pure sequencing problems. A summary of conventional methods is presented, and a comparison with those belonging to the field of Evolutive Computation is made. Also, a proposal of eventual improvements to the latter is included. The practical applications discussed in this thesis are strongly related to administration, network design in general, and circuit design.Es revisión de: http://sedici.unlp.edu.ar/handle/10915/4059Resumen de Tesis de la autora presentada para acceder al título de Magister en Automatización de Oficinas (UNLP).Facultad de Informátic

    An evolutive computation solution for the TSP: possible application to organizations

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    This Thesis researches a possible improvement in the performance of the solution of certain NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems . Examples of these are pure sequencing problems. A summary of conventional methods is presented, and a comparison with those belonging to the field of Evolutive Computation is made. Also, a proposal of eventual improvements to the latter is included. The practical applications discussed in this thesis are strongly related to administration, network design in general, and circuit design.Resumen de Tesis de la autora presentada para acceder al título de Magister en Automatización de Oficinas (UNLP).Es revisión de: http://sedici.unlp.edu.ar/handle/10915/4059Facultad de Informátic

    Algoritmo de colonia de abejas artificiales hibridado con algoritmos evolutivos

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    In this paper, we design, implement, and analysis the replacement of the method to create new solutions in artificial bee colony algorithm by recombination operators, since the original method is similar to the recombination process used in evolutionary algorithms. For that purpose, we present a systematic investigation of the effect of using six different recombination operators for real-coded representations at the employed bee step. All the analysis is carried out using well known test problems. The experimental results suggest that the method to generate a new candidate food position plays an important role in the performance of the algorithm. Computational results and comparisons show that three of the six proposed algorithms are very competitive with the traditional bee colony algorithm.En este trabajo, se ha diseñado, implementado y analizado el reemplazo del método para crear nuevas soluciones en algoritmos basados en colonia de abejas artificiales por operadores de recombinación, ya que el método original es similar al proceso de recombinación usado en los algoritmos evolutivos. Para cumplir con este propósito, se presenta una investigación sistemática del efecto de usar seis operadores de recombinación distintos en el procedimiento llevado a cabo por la abeja empleada. Para la experimentación se utilizan casos de pruebas complejos, habitualmente utilizados en la literatura. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que el método generador de nuevas fuentes de comida afecta el desempeño del algoritmo. A partir del análisis y comparaciones de los resultados, se observa que tres de las seis propuestas algorítmicas son competitivas con respecto al algoritmo basado en colonia de abejas tradicional.Facultad de Informátic

    A phenotypic analysis of three population-based metaheuristics

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    Metaheuristics are used as very good optimization methods and they imitate natural, biologic, social and cultural process. In this work, we evaluate and compare three different metaheuristics which are population-based: Genetic Algorithms, CHC and Scatter Search. They work with a set of solutions in contrast to trajectory-based metaheuristics which use an only solution. From a comparative analysis, we can infer that Genetic Algorithms and CHC algorithms can solve satisfactorily problems with a growing complexity. While Scatter Search provides high quality solutions but its computational effort is very high too.Workshop de Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Algoritmo de colonia de abejas artificiales hibridado con algoritmos evolutivos

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    In this paper, we design, implement, and analysis the replacement of the method to create new solutions in artificial bee colony algorithm by recombination operators, since the original method is similar to the recombination process used in evolutionary algorithms. For that purpose, we present a systematic investigation of the effect of using six different recombination operators for real-coded representations at the employed bee step. All the analysis is carried out using well known test problems. The experimental results suggest that the method to generate a new candidate food position plays an important role in the performance of the algorithm. Computational results and comparisons show that three of the six proposed algorithms are very competitive with the traditional bee colony algorithm.En este trabajo, se ha diseñado, implementado y analizado el reemplazo del método para crear nuevas soluciones en algoritmos basados en colonia de abejas artificiales por operadores de recombinación, ya que el método original es similar al proceso de recombinación usado en los algoritmos evolutivos. Para cumplir con este propósito, se presenta una investigación sistemática del efecto de usar seis operadores de recombinación distintos en el procedimiento llevado a cabo por la abeja empleada. Para la experimentación se utilizan casos de pruebas complejos, habitualmente utilizados en la literatura. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que el método generador de nuevas fuentes de comida afecta el desempeño del algoritmo. A partir del análisis y comparaciones de los resultados, se observa que tres de las seis propuestas algorítmicas son competitivas con respecto al algoritmo basado en colonia de abejas tradicional.Facultad de Informátic

    A modified binary-PSO for continuous optimization

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    Metaheuristics based on swarm intelligence simulate the behavior of a biological social system like as a flock of birds or a swarm of bees, and they have achieved important advances for solving optimization problems. In this paper, we propose a variant for a particular kind of those metaheurisitcs: Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). This modification arises after discovering a low rate of convergence produced by a high level of dispersal at the swarm. Finally, we analyzed and compared the results obtained by an original PSO algorithm and our proposal. From those, we can see the improvement obtained by our variant since it allows to explore more the search space.Presentado en el X Workshop Agentes y Sistemas InteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Improving Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm with Evolutionary Operators

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    In this paper, we analyze the effect of replacing the method to create new solutions in artificial bee colony algorithm by recombination operators. Since the original method is similar to the recombination process used in evolutionary algorithms. For that purpose, we present a systematic investigation of the effect of using six different recombination operators for real-coded representations at the employed bee step. All analysis is carried out using well known test problems. The experimental results suggest that the method to generate a new candidate food position plays an important role in the performance of the algorithm.Eje: XVIII Workshop de Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Algoritmo de colonia de abejas artificiales hibridado con algoritmos evolutivos

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    In this paper, we design, implement, and analysis the replacement of the method to create new solutions in artificial bee colony algorithm by recombination operators, since the original method is similar to the recombination process used in evolutionary algorithms. For that purpose, we present a systematic investigation of the effect of using six different recombination operators for real-coded representations at the employed bee step. All the analysis is carried out using well known test problems. The experimental results suggest that the method to generate a new candidate food position plays an important role in the performance of the algorithm. Computational results and comparisons show that three of the six proposed algorithms are very competitive with the traditional bee colony algorithm.En este trabajo, se ha diseñado, implementado y analizado el reemplazo del método para crear nuevas soluciones en algoritmos basados en colonia de abejas artificiales por operadores de recombinación, ya que el método original es similar al proceso de recombinación usado en los algoritmos evolutivos. Para cumplir con este propósito, se presenta una investigación sistemática del efecto de usar seis operadores de recombinación distintos en el procedimiento llevado a cabo por la abeja empleada. Para la experimentación se utilizan casos de pruebas complejos, habitualmente utilizados en la literatura. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que el método generador de nuevas fuentes de comida afecta el desempeño del algoritmo. A partir del análisis y comparaciones de los resultados, se observa que tres de las seis propuestas algorítmicas son competitivas con respecto al algoritmo basado en colonia de abejas tradicional.Facultad de Informátic

    Problema de ensamblado de fragmentos de ADN resuelto mediante metaheurísticas y paralelismo

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    Esta tesis aborda el problema de ensamblado de fragmentos del genoma de un organismo mediante la utilización de técnicas metaheurísticas. La obtención de un ensamblado completo y de alta calidad de un genoma tiene implicaciones directas en la Biología y la Medicina. Esta tarea es particularmente compleja cuando se trabaja con genomas de gran tamaño, como es el caso de la mayoría de los eucariotas (animales, plantas y hongos). Razón por la cual, es sumamente necesario contar con algoritmos ensambladores que permitan obtener secuencias genómicas de alta calidad en tiempos razonables y, así, proseguir de manera segura y eficiente con las etapas subsiguientes del proyecto de genómica.Eje: Tesis DoctoralesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    An evolutive computation solution for the TSP: possible application to organizations

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    This Thesis researches a possible improvement in the performance of the solution of certain NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems . Examples of these are pure sequencing problems. A summary of conventional methods is presented, and a comparison with those belonging to the field of Evolutive Computation is made. Also, a proposal of eventual improvements to the latter is included. The practical applications discussed in this thesis are strongly related to administration, network design in general, and circuit design.Resumen de Tesis de la autora presentada para acceder al título de Magister en Automatización de Oficinas (UNLP).Es revisión de: http://sedici.unlp.edu.ar/handle/10915/4059Facultad de Informátic